Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Got My Yarn! No Thanks to the Post Office

I finally got my yarn!! But oh, the torture I had to go through in order to receive it.

The post office and I have a love/hate relationship in that I hate them and they love to take my money. I usually avoid them when I can but there wasn't an option for another way of shipping through KnitPicks. Ever naive, I was hopeful. Surely 8 skeins of yarn could fit nicely in my itty bitty mailbox. After all, I've avoided picking up my mail for weeks at a time which only resulted in my Mary Poppins mailbox being stuffed to the gills (and a couple times, my mail was held, but that was after about 3 or 4 weeks of not picking up the mail AND getting a couple catalogs). Still, I picked up my mail every day (unheard of!) to keep my mailbox nice and empty for the mailman. I napped in the living room instead of my bedroom lest I miss his knock.

He never knocked. I received a notice dated two days prior that my "overflow mail" was at the post office. I'd checked my mailbox that day, it was completely empty.

So today I ventured out, it being the first day since the notice that the post office was open again. I put on a brave face and walked to the post office, though I did stick a book in my purse for the long wait. At the office I smugly strode past the line of customers and rang the pick up door's bell. No one answered. For almost an hour. Finally, after another woman showed up and she and I both began to chorus our protests at being so blatantly ignored, we were told that no one was manning the door that day. You'd think that someone would have mentioned that to me before that. I'd been waiting patiently. I work in retail and know what it is to deal with jerky people so I quietly read my book and only began to protest when it became apparant that I was being ignored and that there wasn't even an attempt to help me. So then, instead of immediately helping us (especially me, the customer who had been waiting for thirty minutes before the current customers even arrived in the post office) we had to join the back of the line.

I hate the post office. Hate it. Customer service, people.

Back on a happier note, my yarn is beautiful! I got two skeins of Swish Superwash 100% Superwash Wool in Merlot Heather, three skeins of Shine Worsted 60% pima cotton, 40% Modal in Hollyberry, and three skeins of Shine Worsted in Terra Cotta which is more orange than I expected but pretty all the same. I've yet to find my camera cord so I can't take any pictures which really sucks. I'm thinking of splurging on a new camera next payday if I can afford it. This Kodak EasyShare C713 is 7 mps and can take video as well. It is only $89.99 so I'm going to see if I can sneak it into the budget somehow.

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