Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Backed Up

I've ripped and redone some work on my fingerless mitts. I love the beautiful superwash wool, I can't believe that I ever hated wool. It is so squishy and comfy, I just love it!!

I've been so completely stressed out between work and bills lately that I haven't had much time to crochet. My charger also broke so I'm only able to use my computer when I can borrow Husband's charger which isn't often. So tonight I pulled up Ravelry to add my "new" project of my mitts and saw all of my uncompleted projects. Not great. So I'm going to work on getting at least a couple of them completed in the next week or so. I have way too many projects that I need to get done for the upcoming holidays/birthdays so I need to get my butt in gear. The end of September is looming and quite a few of these projects were September CALs so...

Hmm... Maybe less typing and more crocheting!

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