Sunday, June 29, 2008

Crocheted Soft Rib Longies

Whenever I read SouleMama I get inspired. Today the little sweater for baby has me inspired. I’ve wanted to make some longies for the longest time. However, I don’t really know how to knit, I’ve only ever practiced a few stitches and don’t even have any needles any longer. I’d given up the hope as lost until I found these crocheted soft rib longies. Now I’m supposed to be working on my July projects which are basically toys for the kids for Christmas, a couple balls for the baby to have now, and a remote control caddy for my dad for his birthday. But these longies are calling my name. I’m going to finish off the project I’m working on right now, a baby grab ball, but this is definitely going on my list of things to crochet!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Progress on Baby Grab Ball

I've made two of the pieces for the Baby Grab Ball and I'm beginning to get the hang of it. They seem relatively simple though I'm not doing the edging right. I'm trying it on each piece and I figure that by the end of the first ball I'll have it down. My printer is out of commission (can't find the cord to connect my laptop to it and never got the wireless to work correctly from the laptop) so I've handwritten the pattern out so that I don't need to be on the laptop the entire time I'm crocheting. I need to hit up the library and print some patterns out.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Got the Supplies

I went out and bought the yarn and fiberfill for the July projects today. All of it is acrylic. I wanted to get cotton but they didn't have the colors that I wanted so I walked over to the wool. I realized (luckily, prior to paying) that it would felt when I washed it and since these are going to be kids' toys and will get dirty I just went to the acrylic. I got a deep blue (maybe black, didn't look very closely) and deep purple for the balls, red and green for the strawberries, and I'll use the purple or red and green for the grapes. I still need to get some wooden beads for the grapes. I'll likely start on the Baby Grab Ball first because I want to make one for the baby to have now and one for Christmas.

My dad's birthday is in July so I'll be crocheting him a remote caddy as well.

Project List for July

I need some solid goals in order to get all my projects finished in time for Christmas. So for the month of July, I'm going to make four projects.

Crocheted Grapes for the boys.

Easy Peasy Strawberries for the boys.

Baby Grab Ball for the baby. At least two.

Simple Crochet Ball for the kids. At least two.

If I still can't find my camera (boo hoo) I'll at least take pictures with my camera phone.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Floppy Sunhat for Belle In Progress

I’m in the process of making a floppy sunhat for Belle from Ravelry. Floppy Sunhat It looks cute in the picture, very Southern belle (*wink*), and I’m loving it. I’m using some basic Peaches & Creme yarn that I bought from Wal-Mart. I think it is the Article 930 Worsted Weight in Winterberry but I threw the packaging away so I can’t be sure. I’m using a size F hook when the pattern calls for a H. Call me adventurous, call me stupid, or just call it like it is: I lost my H hook and don’t get paid until next week but didn’t feel like putting the project off until then. I bought this yarn because it was affordable and I was already at Wal-Mart. It is really soft, though not as soft and yummy as bamboo.

I’m going to get some yarn from Knit Picks when I get paid. I’m also looking at getting some from WEBS on payday. I love bamboo yarn and they have some pretty good prices (Knit Picks doesn’t carry bamboo yarn, I’m looking at cotton blends from them). I’ve got a ton of patterns on my favorites list at Ravelry and I’ve just realized that the year is half over and I’ve yet to get started on the million things I want to get done in time for the birthday/holiday rush that starts this fall.

I recently got a raise at work and little does the Husband know, but I plan to put that towards my “yarn lust” fund!

After I finish the hat I might make some socks to match, if I have enough yarn left.