Thursday, September 4, 2008

Baby Boy Hat #1 for Charity

I called in to work tonight as I'm not feeling well. My kids are running around playing and I had to tell them to play in their room because their yelling was making my head hurt.

I bought four skeins of yarn to make some charity baby stuff. So far I've made one baby hat for a boy. I bought two rose colored skeins and two blue skeins. I'm doing the boy hats first. As a mama of boys I know that boys frequently get the short end of the stick. When people donate/buy things they like to buy for girls. I guess maybe because most people giving are women and they think about when they were a little girl and then they buy stuff for girls. Even the stores are biased, most having girl sections at least twice as big as the sections for boys.

So, I'll probably end up donating more hats for boys than for girls. I'm thinking that I'll probably donate the hats to a local hospital. I don't see paying for shipping on these hats when I could spend the money I'd spend on shipping on more yarn to make more hats!

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